An unused V shaped plate stand was lying which I had to reuse .My husband follows a simple formula, any object which is not used for a year should be donated or thrown . I had to save this :)
I have displayed this piece at the entrance of my lobby next to a vase.
Plate is 10 " , white ceramic colour. Central design is inspired from a quilling book by Malinda Johnston.
Central flower : 3mm width and 9" length paper strips. There are 24 tear drop shapes of each colour. As always I have assembled the flower on a transparent sheet before gluing it to the plate.
Inner Circle: I had tough time in making eight pieces of exact size half ovals to maintain the symmetry of the design.
Each unit is made of 5 strips of 6 cm length. The ends of all strips are glued first and then each strip is pulled to bring in the curves and glued.See the pic for details.
Outer Circle : same technique as inner circle but length of each half oval unit is longer than previous ones.
Petals attached at the junction of these units is a single strip husked petal covered by a black strip.
Assembly: Clean the plate with a tissue dabbed with nail polish remover :) .Mark the center of the plate and start gluing the pieces one by one. Tada....... it is ready .
** I had to visit multiple shops to get this plate as I needed a light weight, shiny and with a proper white shade.. I finally found in one of the shops near Russel market .
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Crafty JC for this month entry.